War and conflict, climate and natural disasters as well as economic decline often leaves many vulnerable people and families with no choice but to uproot from their homes, belongings, families and livelihoods, and flee in a desperate bid for survival or for the chance of a better life.
Charity Project PK believes that all those seeking refuge from war, persecution, discrimination, and climate change disasters or hazards have the right to seek asylum. We call on governments to recognise and uphold their shared international obligations to protect asylum seekers, refugees, stateless people and IDPs. It is essential that:
Since 1984, Charity Project PK has been working in over 40 countries to ensure that the needs of refugees and other forcibly displaced people are met. In the aftermath of conflict and disasters, we have been there long after our emergency response and development work, helping to rebuild lives and livelihoods.
We work with a number of UK partners supporting refugees and asylum seekers to access services that help ensure their safety, security and growth.
Wealthier countries, like the UK, can and must do more to fulfil their international responsibilities. It is critical that the UK commits to resettling larger numbers of refugees by expanding safe and legal routes to resettlement, and developing a more humane and just asylum system that supports asylum seekers to rebuild their lives safely in the UK. One simple way the UK government can do this is by reforming unfair rules that keep refugee families apart.
Refugee Family Reunion
The UK’s current refugee and asylum policy is lacking in basic compassion and humanity. Many refugee families, having been torn apart by war and conflict, are unable to reunite with their loved ones once they arrive in the UK. Even child refugees who arrive alone in the UK are not allowed to reunite with family members, not even their parents.
We are proud to work with the Families Together Coalition to call on the UK government to put family at the heart of their refugee and asylum policy and reunite families by: