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Donation Total: £100.00

Ways to donate

Bank Transfer

Please specify which fund you would like to donate to in the payment reference and transfer to the following:

Account name: Charity Project PK
Sort code:
Account number: 10966177

Barclays Bank plc
Barclays Business Centre
Colmore Row
Birmingham B3 2BY


£ Sterling donations: GB30 BARC 2007 7110 9661 77
$ US Dollar donations: GB93 BARC 2007 7157 4226 11
 Euro donations: GB27 BARC 2007 7175 7517 55

By Post

You can send a cheque or postal order, made payable to Charity Project PK to:

Charity Project PK
16 Lower Marsh
London SE1 7RJ


To make credit/debit card donations, please call 0207 593 3232


You can make cash donations at one of our charity shops.

Direct Debit

You can set up a Direct Debit here or call 0207 593 3232 today

Pay in collected donations

Visit our ‘pay in portal‘ to pay in funds collected for fundraising activities.

Waqf Investment

Waqf is a form of ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), similar to the general concept of ‘charitable trust’ or ‘endowment’. It is considered a noble act that reaps great spiritual rewards even after the donor passes away. The initial donation is preserved and the profit it generates is given to charity.

You can make a donation either by purchasing a Waqf share or contributing towards the Waqf Support Fund. The donation is preserved through investment and the annual profit that it makes is then used to help the needy through various emergency and development projects.

For further information on Waqf or to buy a Waqf share please click here or call 0207 593 3232.

Payroll Giving

If you are an employee paying taxes through PAYE, you can increase the value of your donations using this scheme. With your donation being made from your salary before tax, this effectively means that Charity Project PK receives more and at a less cost to you.

For further information, please call 0207 593 3232

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